
Where it began

My name is Pat and I am the founder of “Patty Cakes”.  I create delicious homemade cakes from scratch.  It is actually not my full time occupancy; and quite frankly was never something I dreamed of actually doing.  The concept of my baking was initially inspired by what I saw my big sister Vicky doing for years. I grew up savoring some of her most scrumptious and flavorful desserts.  The holidays were always so special because she was bringing dessert.  When my sister passed away, it was as if I became the beneficiary of her gift.  I always knew how to do basic things when it came to baking, but my skills seemed to manifest to the tenth power and so did my interest.  Suddenly, I became passionate in actually doing it.  I would bake cakes and pies and give them away.  I would get such satisfaction out of someone simply enjoying what I had created.  People would often suggest that I open a business, because my cakes were so good.  Compliments like that went straight to my heart because even though I enjoyed baking the cakes, I did not have a vision to sell them, largely because I worked full time and going into business was a big bite of cake I could not swallow.  However, things began to be revealed and over time, my desire to go into business began to evolve organically.

When I think about where I am today, it is clear to me that this is exactly what I am supposed to be doing.  I truly believe my sister's spirit lives within me, and that she oversees me when I am baking.  I am a different person when I am creating cakes.  My sister’s spirit dwells in me and allows me to morph into the woman that creates these delightful treats.  I bake from my heart and am inspired by the professionals that have paved the way for me.  My sister passed recipes down to me that I will always cherish. She is not here to witness my journey, but I know Vicky would be so proud of me.  

My cakes are not mass produced or prepared by industrial equipment; every egg that is cracked and every cup of flour that is sifted comes thru my hands. There are no prices listed on my website because each cake is custom designed per the clients specifications or needs.

I take great pride in what I do.  It is a passion, and quality control is of the utmost importance to me.  I want you to love how my cakes taste and be totally satisfied in your purchase.  Thank you for choosing Patty Cakes.